Destination Location (DFOL) resource ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = No Alias of this File , 1001 = Control Panels Folder , 1002 = Extensions Folder , 1003 = Now Up-to-Date Folder , 1004 = Root Folder of Drive , 1005 = The Apple Menu Items Folder , 1006 = The Preferences Folder , 1007 = Now Up-to-Date Prefs Folder , 1008 = Holiday Imports , 1009 = Startup Items Folder )
ISAlias (DFOL folder where the file is to make an alias of): 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = No Alias of this File , 1001 = Control Panels Folder , 1002 = Extension Folder , 1003 = Now Up-to-Date Folder , 1004 = Root Folder of Drive , 1005 = The Apple Menu Items Folder , 1006 = The Preferences Folder , 1007 = Now Up-to-Date Folder , 1008 = Holiday Imports , 1009 = Startup Items Folder )
Flags: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = None , 1 = Power PC , 2 = Size from previous , 3 = Special PES thang , 4 = Special NUD Thingy, 16 = Just The Application Directory , 17 = Power PC & Application Directory , 18 = Size from previous & Application Dir , 19 = Special PES thang & Aplication , 20 = Special NUD Thingy & Application Dir )
Alias String Name: pstring (1-byte length; 51 bytes reserved)
Location: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = Is the System Folder, 1 = Is Apple Folder, 2 = Is Control Panel Folder, 3 = Is Extension Folder, 4 = Is Preference Folder, 5 = Is StartUp Folder , 6 = Is DeskTop , 7 = Is Temporary Folder , 8 = Is System File , 9 = Is Claris Folder , 10 = Is Root Folder , 11 = Is Application Folder , 12 = Is Destination Folder )
Destination Folder RSID: 2-byte integer (decimal)
reserved: 2-byte integer (decimal)
four byte identifier: 4-byte integer (char)
Disk Name: pstring (1-byte length; 49 bytes reserved)